Bala Bangles Launches at Target for the New Years!

It's 2024, and you may thinking- my home gym could use an upgrade. Move over sad pile of dumbbells and welcome a happy colorful array of Bala Bangles sold at your local Target! They are small in size, highly effective and multifunctional. Bala Bangles are wrist and ankle weights - basically wearable weights you strap on to your body during workouts to add some extra resistance. You can wear the Bangles during workouts like yoga or Pilates or even when you're out on a walk, mixing some strength work into your cardio (we love a two-for-one). Bala also offers classes showing you how to work up a sweat with their equipment, including Bangles and more.

We love working with the Bala Team and look forward to all that’s to come in 2024!


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